Erasmus CTRL+N: Brace for Impact
Progressive digital pedagogies meet critical sustainability challenges
June 14 - 18, 2021

How can we reimagine learning to meet the needs of future generations? How can we anticipate the next unknowns in education and build meaningful learning experiences – both offline and online? CTRL+N shows what happens when you give students creative autonomy in formulating the possible answers! 

40 Students from diverse backgrounds from the Erasmus Honours Programme developed  10 experimental masterclasses: Teach-Ins, in which they dissect and make sense of the most complex topics of society and blend them with innovative teaching methods.

Topics range from superdiversity in city design to hyperreal space colonization. No lectures. No monologues. Teach-Ins are fast-paced, creative, inspiring, academic and fun – and are created for a generation that needs to change the world.
And you can join them, for free.

Learn more about the course here
Visuals were created by Almar Bok, Zina Burgers, Anisha de Vries, Mara Förster & Jardi ten Brink

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MONDAY june 14

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Voyagers of Critical Pedagogia

To critique and challenge how knowledge is being produced and converted in the ways we deem ‘normal’, we have created a Teach-in to philosophize together with you about what learning entails and what learning environments consist of. In this Teach-in, you will step into the shoes of a critical designer of learning spaces, through which you’ll explore how new and revolutionary models of learning can be constructed. We hope to see you soon on this open-minded voyage.
By Noël Goos, Ali Nakhjavanpour and Emil Lanz

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Decolonize Your Mind 

Colonialism is easy to frame in the past, but are you sure we do not participate in it? Have you ever thought that naming certain cultures “Third World” or “underdeveloped,” already suggests setting Western practices as a standard to meet for the rest of the world? Being ourselves (mostly) Europeans, we started a journey to shift our own mindset and discover new non-Eurocentric perspectives, but we seek your help! Together we will initiate the process to decolonize our minds.
By Alvise Scarabosio, Anisha De Vries, Anna Brautigam, Marianna Martins

TUESDAY june 15



unchARTed: Gender and Sexuality

Art is a tool that can reveal new realities we are yet to discover – a process indispensable to how we look at gender and sexual identity. It can even bring about social change. In our teach-in you become part of an immersive adventure (Nathan Drake much?). Playing a critic and an artist who are all about identity. Maybe by trying your hand at art you boost big social change.
By Kaay Sol, Sophie Rutgers, Keshav Gupta, Nina Vyvcharuk



Wildlife’s Wishes vs Human Desires

We humans get out of touch with animals more and more. Some we see every day: that annoying pigeon on your balcony or your sweet cat hunting it. Others increasingly live outside our reality: like rhino’s, whales and polar bears. What would foreigners make of this relationship between humans and animals? Would we be an example to imitate or a dystopian scenario to avoid? In this Teach-in we try to find out..
By David Schut, Josha Witjes, Rowan Bijl, Robin Wijntjes




Urban Utopia: Co-creating for Superdiversity

How can we build 'Safe Haven': the newest and most inclusive fictional neighbourhood in Rotterdam? City planning plays a big role in creating safe spaces for a manifold of people. In this Teach-In we will explore how to go from coexistence to community as we dive into building your own neighborhood in an immersive online environment. Step in the shoes of different stakeholders and learn how to negotiate conflicting interests and limited resources while creating a space for everyone to not only grow, but thrive. So go put on your helmet and let’s build something great together!
By Aron Julsing, Sam Jongejan, Pascalle Hoelen, Ksenia Gałachowska



Mars and the Ministry for the Future<s>:
We who leapt through space-time…

It's been a while, dear Gaians,
We solemnly apologise, but you have repeated the same mistakes, elsewhere. The Ministry of the Past has travelled back on and in time to warn you, coming from the Red Planet always shrouded by a veil of mystery: Your new home. The enhanced ambitions of the climate conference COP26 have failed and remaining on Earth constitutes control+alt+delete for civilisation. To preserve that tiny pea, pretty and blue, the Ministry for the Future<s>, you, is sent out to expand our frontiers to the red marble as the last resort. Will you repeat past-present-future or forge a new course? Choose wisely.
Your erstwhile companions, 
The Ministry of the Past
By Govert Bettman, Jardi ten Brink, Vy Truong, Mara Förster

THURSDAY june 17

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Into the Rabbit Hole: on Conspiracies and Digital Bubbles 

To be(lieve) or not to be(lieve)? Just as Hamlet questioned his mortality, the modern human questions fact and fiction. People increasingly believe the unbelievable and the unbelievable becomes believable. In our Teach-In, we go into the Rabbit Hole, where you get a conspiracy theory crash course. We will collectively attempt to understand the societal complexities of conspiracy theories by creating one ourselves! Dive into the minds of conspiracy creators, big-tech companies, scientists, believers and non-believers. Turn into a conspiracist-for-a-day and learn about sustainability and digital bubbles.
By Adam Baumann, Mikolaj Nieczyporowski, Asma Aykour, Vu Bao Thu Nguyen 

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Green Technology: Salvation or Devastation  

Does a sustainable world involve technology? Solar panels? Wind farms? Society blindly trusts such “green technologies”. But we seldom question their negative externalities. Explore the darker side of green technology by taking control of your very own city. Challenge yourself, think carefully about your decisions, and save your city!
By Mateo Albín, Klea Qosja, Vos Wijnen, Evelien van Oostrom

FRIDAY june 18



Profound Boredom

Shower thoughts: when nothing leads to the very best something.
Why do your most creative ideas always come whilst taking a shower? Or the biggest epiphany just comes to you when you’re in bed, about to fall asleep. Did you know that doing nothing - just sitting with your thoughts - can boost your creativity and productivity? Some of the greatest innovators would agree. Types like Archimedes and Newton had their famous breakthrough moments at times when they were not purposively thinking about their problems.
By Ariq Bintang, Amalia Arredondo, Nienke Vermaat, Rojda Erbas



Back to the Future of Nudging

Somewhere in the not so distant future: global warming and catastrophic flooding has made Holland a nation of climate refugees. Scientists trapped in the upper floors of what used to be the Tinbergen building of the Erasmus University have developed a time machine and asked you to travel back to the tipping point: 2021. But be careful! Any intervention based on your own assumptions could disrupt the space-time continuum! Armed only with your knowledge of human biases it is your task to gently help people synchronize their behavior with their beliefs.
By Maria Burger, Evan White, Patryk Jarmakowicz, Paul Belitz